Tuesday, January 31, 2012

and about that accordion....

On one of the more acceptable chicken blogs, written by someone who presents as knowing what they are talking about and answering questions, the question was posed "Can chickens like music?".  That's the silliest question I've heard all week and it's up against some stiff competition in this time of politicians being underfoot.
Of course chickens like music.
Cats are another story.  I only need to open an accordion or guitar case and I hear the flap of the cat door, but the chickens run from wherever they are in the yard and stand around next to the house swaying and paying very close attention.
They don't howl like a dog, they just murmur amongst themselves, and when I am done practicing or playing, they wander off, spread out and look for the next bit of available entertainment.  They are the best possible audience, but it doesn't stop there.  I posted in the past about Buck liking the sound of his own voice, leaning in to the piano harp to hear his crowing echo back to him, but I have caught him also standing near other metal objects and crowing, pausing to listen and repeating.  I have a cast off high hat in the yard that I have standing on edge behind a statue of Buddha that he has found interesting.  He tries pecking it to get it to ring also.  Chickens and music?  Absolutely.  Now if I could just get the hens to dance in lines......

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.