Monday, August 6, 2012

Live Chickens

Two weeks have passed, and Bette is acting like a chicken again, though her status may not be regained.  I am so glad that she's all in one piece, her wings work, and though she is beset with a new reluctance, progress is being made.  Today I didn't let any of the Avian Americans out of the fenced in area and by the end of the day they were all standing around together waiting for Buck to give the orders to go in for the night. 
Buck has tried to inflict his attentions on Bette, so I suppose he feels as though she has recovered, but when I go down to close the chicken door and check numbers of beaks and toes, she has not gone in with the rest.   At first I thought maybe she was so despondent that she wanted the predator to come back and finish her off - I have known woman like that - but that's not it.  She roosts, but under the ramp to the door.  Is she hoping to be overlooked?  She allows me to pick her up and put her in the coop, but I've been putting her in the nesting box, because  otherwise she wants to come back out and acts as though I have put her in a room where a cocktail party is going on, and she is incorrectly dressed, or just came out of rehab.
Anyhow, she has survived.  I think she's improving.  I'll know for certain when she stops being easy to pick up.  The docility is disturbing.

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.