Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Plan of Escape.

I missed an opportunity this morning to get a photo of Buck peering around the corner of the house.  He was rubbernecking to see if anything was doing that was worth his energy.  I was trying to sneak out of the house to drive far enough to get cel service to make contact with another human being - the power is back on but I still don't have a working land line and as usual, I had to go back for something.  My wallet and cel phone.  I left the door open to the van and when I came back I saw a line of chickens, supervised by Buck making their way into the van, and clustering around the controls.  I was warned about this by my friend Jeff.  In response to a Facebook remark that Buck had been behaving like a 2 foot tall angel for a few days he suggested there was a fowl plot brewing and I should hide the car keys and credit cards.  I imagined Buck instructing the girls in working the pedals.
 "No, that one is the gas, the other one is the brake!"
 "Ooooh, Buck, you're  so wonderful !  The things you know!"  they would answer.  Such little suck-ups and flatterers, but I wonder who it is that has been biting off his tail feathers while he sleeps?
As I approached, they gave me guilty looks, stepping away from the van, pretending to be examining something very interesting on the ground, but I was not fooled.  

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.