Thursday, September 1, 2011

Red Light!!

Remember that game?  I guess chickens remember it too, because Buck was playing it with me this morning.
I overslept, the occasional consequence of frequent insomnia, so it was almost 10 AM when I went to let the chickens out of their nice, still new, house.  The ladies were on the perch, though they had left 4 eggs in one of the nesting boxes - they seem to prefer the one that's least accessible because it's behind the food & water.  Buck was drumming his toes impatiently and came out grumbling.
"About bloody time!!"
His mood seemed to indicate taking the judicious course of standing behind the door, then moving to behind the big water tub while he was busy molesting hens, then through the brush pile which would make it troublesome for him to come stomping up behind me.
Have you ever been rushed by a chicken?  It's quite an experience.  I have wondered what would happen if I did not defend myself, but just had thick trousers and heavy shoes on.  I could let him get exhausted, but I haven't had the nerve for this yet.  I still block him with my shoe, or try to grab him.  Easiest just to use subterfuge and scuttle behind obstacles as I make my way out of, or back to the house.
Though he was way at the other end of the yard, I heard him run around the house after me as I was on my way to the car.  I turned and stopped.  He held still.  I turned to go to the car again, and heard the sound of a very large chicken behind me, gaining ground.  I stopped and turned.  He stopped with one foot still in the air.  I made a last sprint for the van, getting the door closed just ahead of his beak.  In the rear view, I saw him fluff all his feathers out to full length, shake, crow, and swagger off, undefeated.
I have been trying to find out what breed he is, and the nearest I can tell unless someone knows more, which is highly probable, he is a brown leghorn.  I am told this is a rare breed.  If Buck wasn't enough by himself to be special with his arrogance, superiority, attention to detail and beauty, this would be enough to keep him out off the grill.  I should probably find a brown leghorn hen to add to the flock.  Every high school girl's room needs to have one prima donna.

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.