Friday, May 11, 2012

& That's How You Spell "Chicken"

There isn't anything chicken about chickens.  They are valiant, intrepid and persistent.  It is possible that they have an inflated idea of their capacity to manage a world in which larger animals with teeth rule.
Buck is a big chicken.  When he draws himself up to his full height he is 24'' tall.  He weighs almost 15lbs, and for any  jungle fowl that is respectable, and respect is what he likes.
So when Storm, comes to visit, a political discussion blooms every few hours.   Buck stands his ground, armed only with surprise, speed and very pointy spurs.
Storm remains convinced that she is going to show that chicken who is in charge of smaller life forms, and though she has gotten close, so far she hasn't gotten an actual grip on Buck before I've been able to put a stop to it.

 Buck remains unflapped and I have seen Bette go after Storm with an enthusiasm that doesn't match her size.
The cats, who are well equipped for a scuffle, just stay on the roof until the dog goes home.
Conditions have improved.  Storm listens now when I say "NO CHICKEN" and while she and I discuss the fine points, Buck stands perfectly still watching the proceedings with one eye, and standing between us and the hens.
It may be awhile before they have an amicable relationship.  I think my dream of Buck and Storm on a Victorian style post card is unrealistic.

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.