Wednesday, May 2, 2012


There's nothing like the hot tub for stiffness, there's a groove on the rim so that it's possible to rest one's neck and float.
Today I looked out the window to make sure the chickens were paying attention to getting in to the coop.  I looked out the window, because if they heard the porch door, they would rush over with expectations of a bedtime snack.
After determining that they were making their way in to the chicken house, I went to float in the hot water.
That was nice until I felt a sharp point hitting the back of my head as though someone had come and stabbed me with a pencil.  No mystery there, I relocated to the center, out of reach, and Buck paced back and forth on the deck as close to the tub as he could get.   He poked his head up, then his tail, dancing up and down, talking to himself.  After about 5 minutes he decided it wasn't worth it, and possibly remembering that he had responsibilities more pressing than putting me in my place,  turned and ran toward the coop.
I still have no idea what he is on about with the hot tub.  Unless someone is in it, he is completely uninterested.  He does not care to get wet, and though I have seen people put their chickens in swimming pools, the chickens don't look as though it's a choice they would make on their own.

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.