Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Chicken Bouncer

I know a person who enjoys arguing with those people who show up uninvited and predictably at the worst possible time to cram whatever religious claptrap they are holding themselves together with down someone's throat.  Over the years I have tried different approaches with an eye to discouraging them enough that they might stay in their Watchtowers and leave me to my increasing Yankee curmudgeonitude.
Telling them I'm a Buddhist, or Unitarian [same thing] just encourages them to think I am pining for something real to believe in such as imminent death and/or destruction.  Showing up at the door naked flummoxes them only briefly,  they soon regain their equilibrium and press on.
This week though, I had a real treat as I stood at the window and watched Buck do all the work.
Two optimistic ladies and one gentleman came walking up my path, wearing Republican shoes and beige.  Buck has very high standards of dress, being handsome and well dressed himself, and will not tolerate certain combinations.
Just the other day I left the house with a bag that did not match my shoes, and he made it clear.
"That bag isn't going anywhere."  He said.
"How many times do I have to tell you?"  He asked.
"Put that down."  He advised.
I now have a leather bag that in addition to coffee stains has been tagged with fowl graffiti.
I have mentioned that I'm not encouraged to read magazines near the perimeter of the hot tub.  Now that I soak holding the magazine  out of beak range, Buck just circles the tub criticizing my choice of activity soto voce.
Well.  When Buck saw those Republican shoes and periodicals printed on cheap paper in one place, he went mad.
It's such a shame I didn't get on film the gratifying sight of Jehovah's Witnesses experiencing what the end of the world will really be like.

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.