Friday, April 6, 2012

Chicken Perspective

You can't make a chicken feel guilty.
Being uneducated in these matters, I don't know if it's a missing development of brain function [one I could do without, let me tell you...] or that they can't be bothered or that they are graced with an acceptance of the supremacy of the present.
Cats have no such encumbrance as guilt, but it's not so much because they are living in the present, though they do, but as hunters, they appear to have a plan.
Recently, studies have proven that dogs have learned how to present a guilty mien when it is called for, when they hear "bad dog"  or "no", but it isn't a real sense of guilt.  It doesn't keep them up at night that I have noticed, and I have been up at night, watching for it.
So when I try to admonish Buck for being lax in his responsibilities to Pearl, he looks at me and asks "Got any grapes?".  Alternately, he bites my shoes.  At my suggestion that he could have taken steps, he shrugs, in Gallic manner, purses his beak and lets out a puff of air, then saunters away.

If I pursue the topic, he will point out to me that I have eaten so many chickens in my life that my concern for the fate of one may only be considered as the same purely human conceit that created canine hypocrisy.
"Aside from the inconvenience"  Buck said
"If an owl came and carried you off, I would feel neither guilt nor remorse.  Hand me that lettuce, now."

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.