Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring Chickens...


I went to Agway today to buy chicken feed and found the baby chicken bin.  Several people had ordered some Avian Americans who had just gotten out of their eggs, but had not come to pick them up.  A number of interesting breeds were stranded there at the commercial refugee center, and I was a sucker, even after being told that it would be 4 months before I could even think of introducing these new girls to the main flock.
I was sucked in because Misty is a barred rock, and I think they are so pretty, and Mindy and Maxine are Marans, which is the type of rooster Buck is, so it stirs fantasies of being able to have a little flock of Marans over the next couple of years. 
Now the digital timer on the coop is the smaller trouble, because I'm going to need more space.
I have 3 months of chickens in the house to inspire me to tear off a piece of the coop and create a bigger space that would be contiguous but with an optional barrier to allow the hens' hormone levels to coordinate and to have a potential chicken infirmary for people like Barbie who really needs time to recover her feathers.
The flock today has been griping and squawking, making egg laying noises, and Buck is continually commenting that there is an orange alert.  
My solution was to leave and go somewhere quiet for part of the morning.  
But then I came home with more chickens.

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.