Friday, March 16, 2012

Sloppy Habits.

After 2 days of hauling loads of stuff to the dump [spring cleaning, haven't even gotten to the cellar yet]  I broke with the customary routine of enjoying the hot tub late at night to float around with a nice cup of tea and the recent issue of The New Yorker.
As soon as I had gotten in the tub, Buck began growling from  under the deck.
"grrrrawwaarrrr."  he said
"GRAK, buk buk!" he said and leapt up on to the deck next to the hot tub.
Fixing me with an unswerving and disapproving gaze, he jumped up on the rim, grabbed the magazine out of my hand and tossed it to the ground.  In my surprise I lost most of the cup of tea in the tub, while splashing him to let him know he wasn't welcome.
Sorry I have no photographic proof of this, but it is a true story.
I suppose, in future, daytime soaking will have to include bunches of grapes to throw around for distraction and bribery.

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.