Monday, March 19, 2012

 I'm still not clear on the fine points of Avian American dialects, but my guess is that Buck and his ladies have been asking each other WTF all day.
The black flies [Northern scourge] have arrived 5 weeks too early.
Today, technically still winter, there were butterflies.
Tulips are up and shouldn't be for some time.
I hear the continual conversation between the chickens as they turn over leaves and sticks and find things to eat that shouldn't be there this early.  They have stood at my feet, peering up at me and asking why I'm not doing something about this, or is it that I just don't notice.
Hens are sitting on eggs.  [I'd better go & remove those eggs...] and if we get any normal weather back, there will be cold little chickens and I will have to do more work, will probably wind up moving them in to the bathtub.  As I am allergic to chickens, this isn't my first choice.
Today I tried to get in the house with a bag of ground coffee.  It's always better to bring beans in , I think they don't emit so much smell as ground in a paper bag.
Buck wasn't going to let me get away with that.  I have deprived him & the girls any coffee grounds in the compost for some weeks now, for their own good, and for peace in my house.
He hasn't launched himself at me since I shut them off, but today he ran at me, hurled his beak toward the bag, piercing it, and making a couple more tries.
 [omg, I just saw a fruit fly!!]
He successfully caused me to spill about 1/4 of the bag before I got away, the rest pouring into my shirt.
I'm leaving now.  They are on their own.

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.