Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Chasing Chickens Again.

To be sure that everyone is in the safety of the coop at night, I'm back to going out and worrying the chickens until they decide that it's just plain easier to go in to the hen house.  I've found that Buck is a good one to start with mainly because  his four girls will follow him in, but if I'm persuading them, I have to be aware of where he is.
He is very suspicious of the broom, even when it is leaning against the wall and minding its own business.  If he sees the broom, he will attack it.  If I walk around with the broom, he will attack it, or me if he can get past the broom, so we do a dance where the steps are me holding the broom, and moving it very slowly in semi-circles to foil him.
This ends up with him wheezing "Grrraahh-worrrah- wwrrrrh - humph!  Buh!" and going to his perch.  One by one the girls follow, but they are indignant at finding one of the B's already in there cowering in a nesting box.  The other two B's are surprisingly easy to catch and pick up giving me the opportunity to pat them as though they were cats until they calm down.  I've been lifting the nesting lid and putting them in that way so they are spared the insults and rude behavior of the Bridge Club.
I close the doors and hear a bit of chatter, not all of it friendly, and hope for a better day tomorrow.
I did notice that Becky for about a minute of me chasing Buck and the girls joined in the churning and scuffling of the main flock, so maybe..........

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.