Monday, October 17, 2011

A different kind of clean

Buck takes a bath.
It is a rare and unguarded moment in his day, that he feels safe enough to do what chickens do best and with enormous entertainment value; clean themselves by burrowing into what is left of the garden, scooping dirt up over their backs and rolling.

The girls on the other hand, do this with great frequency.  It reminds me of the man who will not throw the nasty old sweatshirt away vs the woman who is tossing out shirts weekly, some still with the tags on them. [What on earth possessed me to buy THAT in the first place?  It makes me look like a potato!]

It is even more unusual that Buck bathe at the same time as his ladies.  I have most often seen him standing guard, all suspicion and responsibility.
When Buck reincarnates as a human [or perhaps I have this wrong, and he was human already, but did so well that he was rewarded with being a chicken] he will grow up to be in the State Police.  Maybe in that era, he'll have hovercraft and be able to really fly, not just dream about it, and disappoint himself whenever he leaps off the deck only to land thumpishly in the leaves.

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.