Friday, October 21, 2011

If you wait long enough

A reason or purpose might emerge for almost everything that was judged as a failure too early on.
The B's love to hang around the lower branches of a peach tree that I cut down a couple of years ago because it was a nuisance and dropped bitter little peaches everywhere that only the chipmunks were interested in.
The tree took advantage of a 2 year period of time in which I was too lame to do any yard work to grow back, hydra fashion with 9 peach trees where there had been only one.

If I had been able to stand up long enough and if it had been a priority, I would have cut the thing down a few more times, but because I was unable to, there are 3 chickens who have claimed it for their own, and feel sheltered, happy and safe there.  I could not have foreseen this.
I'm certain there are many other things I complain about that resolve into grace over time.  Trouble might be that it's over geological or galactic time, and I don't get to see the end of the story.
There might be some dinosaur in the spirit world thinking the same thing.
"Who would've thought we'd turn into chickens!"  She's saying to herself.

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.