Monday, December 26, 2011

Boxing Day

Christmas is over, the chickens ate their grapes, the cats had fish and I ate too much apple crisp.
There is a light coating of white ice over everything, so the hens danced their way to the porch this morning after finally deciding that food trumped warmth.  I have to find a way to provide food for them in their coop that they won't just take a dump in.  It gets expensive to buy lovely organic pellets and not be able to put them in a feeder.  It gets work intensive.  I think they would like it if I stood there, dropping handfuls of food on the ground at exactly the rate of speed comfortable for them to eat it, and not expect them to take any responsibility for their table manners.
They are leaning against the side of the house where it is warm  and singing to each other, Buck is lying down, feels completely safe and can take a load off.  I like seeing them happy to hang around and be messy and self indulgent, not caring what anyone thinks of the way they live.
 It's what everyone should do on the day after Christmas.

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.