Friday, December 23, 2011

I got spurs that jingle jangle jingle....

Buck needs a pedicure.
Or perhaps whatever substitute there is for chicken grooming.
Now his tail feathers are grown back, and his comb is bright red, he is robust, rotund and yet fast as hell crossing the yard.
Whoever had him before must have held him down & snipped back his spurs because they were not pointy this summer.
They are pointy now, though.
It's fairly inconvenient to walk around the yard if I've forgotten to carry treats, bribes, brooms or other distractions and defenses.
Buck & the Ladies have determined that it is the van that brings the big boxes of lettuce and other random delicious bits.   I'm thinking that is why they are found milling around the van but not the Prius.  I have never had them trying to get in to the Prius but I often find them roosting in the van if I've been careless enough to leave it open.
Getting in to the van, for me, is a challenge when it is surrounded by chickens.  Especially, Buck.
I wonder, did Alfred Hitchcock know something about chickens?  Other than using bits of their noises to convey the idea of threats and plots by crows and seagulls.  I remember the part where they all clumped around the cars when people were trying to leave, but my chickens don't look as threatening as they do hopeful.  The hens, anyhow.
Buck looks indignant unless he's being fed a continuous supply of grapes, greens, kibbles and fresh water.
And there are those spurs......

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.