Monday, December 12, 2011

Rehab Redux

Anyone remember the lambert, Hendricks & Ross rendition of "Gimme That Wine"?  rewrite the lyrics for these chickens, "Gimme those grounds, unhand that compost! " and you get a clear picture of the mood around here since I began sorting the organic garbage.
It's not enough that I use fossil fuels traveling from one food store to the other begging for leftovers that have passed the date set by the FDA.  They eschew lettuce, kale and apples for coffee if they can.
Chickens have this in common with the other fleshy 2 leggeds.  They would prefer a high over nutrition and need someone to remind them that health and well being rely on sunshine, fresh air and vegetables.  Not on hanging around the van trying to distract and them ambush me on my way to the dump.
Buck creates a diversion.
I drop the bag and go looking for a shield.
The hens open the garbage and talk amongst themselves as they hunt for coffee grounds.
I would let them have their way if they didn't display altered behavior after eating coffee grounds that I think puts their safety in danger.  Challenging cars, for example.
A little caffeine and they believe they are in charge.
Buck in particular.
It's difficult enough to discourage such thinking when they aren't high.

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.