Sunday, December 11, 2011

No Blue Blood in This Chicken.

SUCCESS!   Everyone came out of one coop this morning, and they all still had their feathers and no signs of frostbite.
Of course, I was up all night worrying about the new heater in the coop, even though it was designed for a chicken coop.
Chickens are crafty and inventive and will always find a way to destroy a new thing in their coop while investigating its properties.
My one hen who likes to roost in an enclosed area on the ground was the only one who had complaints this morning, she had crammed herself into the corner nesting box with her eggs [I think she sucks them back up and moves them with her from place to place] and didn't want to come out until it was clear that the food and water was outside - at least the interesting food and water.
Buck has developed a new habit of lurking by the door and stealing my shoes and throwing them off the side of the porch.  He has gnawed the utility broom to a nubbin and no human may safely cross the yard unless armed with lettuce and a stick.

I have solved the mystery of Buck's spike in disagreeable behavior.  I think.
I was composting the espresso grounds and then I stopped.
Yesterday I left an untouched cup of coffee in my car which froze overnight.  This morning I was in a hurry, needed the cup holder for my water bottle, so I threw the coffee out on to the ground to retrieve later.  All the chickens stood up straight with a look in their eyes that suggested they had caught the strains of heavenly music and ran like hell over to the car, swarming around the cup of frozen coffee and fought over it.
This also explains why they cluster near the van and keep checking the tires.

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.