Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Animal dynamics... Dynamic animals

 The girls are appraising the porch for coolness, perchitude and bug availability. I guess one of the fall projects is to prevent this, because it is only a matter of time before they have mastered the cat door.

 Charlie and Tutu have  strong opinions about importunate chickens and they aren't shy  about expressing them.
I have heard that cats have 2 more facial muscles than humans, so I'm thinking there's a reason for that.

It's been a shock to the feline population to discover that there are people in this world who will just muscle in where they're not wanted and take over, leave a mess with not so much as a thank you.  The autocratic rule of the cats has come to a close as all dynasties must.  They must learn to cooperate; to share - to keep out of the way of more aggressive life forms than theirs.
The cats aren't interested in life on other planets.  They are having enough to deal with on this one.  A chicken slave revolt, among other things.

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