Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Buck hears himself, and likes what he hears.

I have a very small house.  All the easier for the chickens to race around it to stand outside whatever window I'm near and complain about the service, or comment on the decor.  The latter, with more perspicacity when they have managed to get inside the house and are evaluating the furniture for perchage.
I'm not going to add on to this place at my age, instead I'm getting rid of all the stuff I don't need and my descendants have let me know they don't care about.
This weekend, it was the piano.  I don't know how long a story you want about this, but probably not as long as it is, so the short version is after several hours of grunting and wheezing I got it dismantled down to the harp, and with the help of a neighbor, hoisted it back up off the floor where it had fallen and shoved it out the door to await its fate on the deck.
When is rains, or it is mid-day, or the hens are tired of looking for food, when the wheedling for Purina behavior is no longer effective, the girls will come and lie down outside the glass door and preen.  They  enjoy the shade of the piano harp and it looks as though it might foil predators.
I heard more noise being made than was customary for siesta time.  It got my attention because Buck though not stingy with his communications doesn't keep on crowing without it meaning something  like -
"I'm the greatest!  I am undefeated by the evil towel!  I laugh at your broom and pillow!"
" Check out the moves!  & the plumage!"
"Get off my lawn!  You want a piece of me?!"
Today he went on and on for nearly an hour so I thought I should check it out.  The girls were having a nice lie down, gossiping among themselves.
 Buck was standing as close to the harp as he could get and crowing his most magnificent and elongated crow.  When he stopped, he leaned in to the piano  to hear his voice echoing through the strings.
At first I thought I was imagining things, but he kept on doing it.
The hens ignored him.
If he keeps it up, I'm going to have to take steps.

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.