Monday, September 5, 2011

Cuddly Buck

I just wish I'd gotten the earlier photo of Cayce holding Buck under one arm and his German Shepherd puppy under the other, with each one snapping, hissing and snarling across Cayce's body.
What happened, was this.  The 6 week old puppy smelled chicken, the chickens smelled baby wolf.  Buck was pretty sure he could nip the situation in the bud by killing the puppy with his bare claws.  The puppy, aptly named Storm, was pretty sure she was up to her ancestral heritage of grabbing herself a bucket of chicken, even if that chicken was 3 times her size.  She's got a big dog's ego, and Buck remembers his dinosaur ancestors.
I heard that Gallus Gallus and Gallus Domesticus are our modern genetic representatives for T-Rex.  I would have thought velociraptors, but judging from the size of T-Rex's legs, and his [or her] cantilevered tail I would imagine that they were built for speed.  As I have said before, it's pretty hard to outrun a chicken, especially when they run under things where I can't go.
Cayce can pick Buck up, without a towel, tickle him into a stupor and walk away with impunity.
On this day though, the only person who didn't come out of the 3-way confrontation unscathed was Cayce who sported several Buck bites on the arm he'd held the puppy with.  
What Buck lacks in accuracy, he makes up for in enthusiasm.

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.