Friday, September 9, 2011

Are we having fun yet?

Buck wakes up cheerful, full of beans and ready for love.  I'm not sure I could say the same for the girls.  They act as though they would prefer to have the time to linger over the first trashing of the garden and bug-picking.  Once Buck has grabbed one of them, expressed himself and sauntered off pointing out to all spectators his masculine marvelousness, the hens go back to their contemplative examination of the yard.   They pretend nothing happened, but not before they have restored their dignity by shaking themselves thoroughly while staggering away. They are like girls on a date with a masher who upon their escape, whip out a compact, fix their hair and make-up, straighten their skirt and hail a cab.
I have read that chickens have one eye on the sky for predators, and the other for examination of objects closer to them, and I see the hens busy with breakfast, but still very adept at jumping to the side when Buck is circling.  Also, he isn't very subtle.
I can see why Buck finds it demoralizing to be caught and picked up by humans.  We have to do to him pretty much what he does to his hens, grab him by the neck and push him down to the ground and tamper with his view of himself as ruler of creation.
Not much difference between us if it comes to that.  The unexpected interference from whoever is in charge of me stepping in, grabbing me by the throat and forcing me down to the ground...  It really messes with my idea of myself as being in charge.  It also interferes with breakfast.  Maybe I should keep an eye out.

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.