Friday, November 4, 2011

Fine Feather

"What are you doing?" Buck yelled at me this morning.
"Put that BACK" he advised.
Since I have had chickens in the yard, my place looks more raggedy than ever, and gets worse faster than I can keep up.

In honor of having the floors redone, I thought I could rake the walk, sweep away the chicken debris and fallen leaves.  People have commented to me that my house looks deserted.  I've been leaning on the electric heat, so there's no smoke to show that I'm here, my van is covered with lichen, and chickens stand around underneath it.  Add to this picture the downed branches from the storm and my unwillingness to shovel and you get the idea.
I had not quite gotten as far as the mailbox when Buck came charging around the side of the house squawking at me, calling the ladies brigade for help and proceeded to, what I can only describe as systematically, engage 5 pairs of chicken feet to kick all the leaves back on to the path.
This was followed by crowing, lungeing and drawing himself up to his full height and stamping off in a marked manner.
I raked the path again in Buck's absence.
I returned from a trip to the market to find the path covered with leaves.

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.