Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fine. I'll do it myself.

This morning I overslept a bit and was woken by the sound of happy chickens, gurgling on the porch.
"How did they get on the porch?" A voice in my head asked me as I woke up further.
"I don't know."  I said back.
Then Buck could be heard crowing - full volume, not muffled by chicken shed, right under my window.
Some mornings I get up and let them out and then go back to bed.  I'm hoping this wasn't one of them as I watch for signs of creeping dementia.
Forgetting that I had gotten up was not what I had forgotten, though.  I had forgotten to close the smaller chicken door, so it was open all night.
Still have all the chickens - how did that happen?
I dragged a bag of greens behind me to deflect attacks but Buck was determined to hammer me this morning for my carelessness.  No amount of salad was going to fix this.
I ended up throwing the bag in his path and getting back to the house before he got over being confused.
Today is dump day anyhow, I'll clean it up later.....

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.