Thursday, November 10, 2011

Some Plan.

It has been difficult to find information that I'm comfortable with about what to do next.  Winter is coming.  It has been lovely and warm, and Buck & the girls have gone back to their summer ways of lounging on the outdoor furniture, scratching and begging, fluttering up and down the glacial erratics out back, chasing the new girls around the garden and rushing up to the van in hopes that it contains something magic, just for them.

Today it began raining and being gray, and we were all reminded that the halcyon, thoughtless days are over, and if we're lucky, we'll have a week or so before global climate change slams us with another 3 feet of something cold, damp and hard to get through with bare legs the circumference of a ball point pen.
With this in mind, I have been researching coop heating options that won't set fire to the chickens or their dwelling, but stories of people's combs freezing and falling off doesn't seem like much of an alternative.  The combs do not grow back, once frozen off, and as I have said in a previous entry, the people who think that's ok might not feel that way if it was their comb falling off.
I have found over these months, that there are things that bother me that don't bother chickens.  I can't always tell where concern ends and transference begins.

There are heated floor pads.  There are heat lamps.  There are wall units that look like a flat piece of enamel [that looks the most promising].  There are ceramic lamps that emit no light so that they don't keep the chickens awake.
No inexpensive options that are safe.
It's a good thing I'm not trying to make these chickens pay for themselves.  It would come out to about $9.00 an egg.
I can consider it expiation for the decades of devouring their children.

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.