Sunday, November 6, 2011

I don't know what that is, but I'm not stepping in it.

14 inches of it.  All over anybody's FB page is glorious paeans to the snow, but not 'round here.  I'm thinking if this is what we are in for, I'm putting the chickens and the cats in airline grade carriers and taking us all to the keys.  I'd go further, but I don't think immigration would allow me to land in Santiago with 8 chickens.
It is sunny now, and warming up, so I opened the coop and got blank stares from everyone.
Yesterday I made an awesome haul from the grocery store of chicken scraps which included bunches of basil, lots of salad mix and 3 loaves of locally baked artisan bread, all one day past the date, but it's in such good shape that the chickens have to share.  I'm not throwing basil away that's mostly better looking than if it had hung around my fridge for a little too long.
They were mostly very excited about the bread, but showed some interest in the greens as well.  I hope they'll appreciate the greens more as the winter comes on and they're harder to find on the ground.
After a bit, the brave chickens hopped out, trying to land in the holes my boots had made.  They are on the porch enjoying the sun.  This tells me that the best place for their winter dust bath location will be on the deck where they'll be out of the weather but I won't have to construct another shelter.
 Buck is just happy to have all the hens nearby so he can stop with the hyper-vigilance for a few hours.

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Glad to hear from you, but criticisms will be ignored. It's the beauty of the web. I will answer all friendly remarks. Buck handles the rest.